Friday, March 9, 2012


Welcome to my ALL 4 Him blog. As a person who is fascinated by the boundless abilities the computer has added to my life since the 80's, I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't even understand what a blog was. I've heard about them for decades, but outside of watching the movie Julie & Julia, they just weren’t part of my life. Truthfully, my passion for the written word is affronted by the very word B-L-O-G. It sounds similar to unseemly words like B-L-O-B, but it's origin is actually "web log".

I became interested in blogging when my friend Kit emailed me the blog of an amazing lady named Tamara. I had the pleasure of meeting Tamara at an October retreat at Kit’s lake house. When I pulled up the blog address, I actually had to check to see if it was the same Tamara I met that weekend. Her blog was so professional and interesting. Did I personally know a REAL blogger? I felt like I was rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. If there was a red carpet of blogging, I wanted to be on it! With Tamara, of course. I certainly don’t want to forget the little people who made my meteoric rise to the top of the blogging heap possible. I’d like to thank the Academy, Kit and Tamara for this honor. I am now a REAL blogger! Be sure to visit Tamara’s page (

ALL 4 Him stands for Amazing Ladies Living 4 Him. I am blown away by the women I know.  Eight years ago I started a gathering called ALL 4 Him to bring ladies together for support, fun and great wine. If anyone thinks that Christian women are boring, think again. They have incredible pasts, complicated presents and divine futures. I believe that group and those ladies are part of God’s plan to help me fulfill my destiny. God placed five dreams in my heart during one of the most difficult times of my life.
1)    To have Christian Friends (Jana, Ashley, Kit, Linda, Barbara, and many more)
2)    To take a sabbatical from my workaholic existence (13,000 mile Tour for a   
        Cure for The LAM Foundation)
3)    To travel the U.S. and sit on courthouse benches in small towns talking to
        strangers (same as #2)
4)    To work for a nonprofit (Development Director for The LAM Foundation)
5)    To write a book
I have realized EVERY one of these dreams except the last. I started the book many years ago, but haven’t made much headway since. My post entitled ALL 4 Him is the preface of my unfinished book. Is that somewhat like building the front gate before you break ground for the house? I’m ready to finish it and move on to other dreams. Perhaps this BLOB is a good place to start!

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